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Assignment with symmetry.

In case it is calculated with symmetry, the following syntax is valid:

<NAMEX> <EEX> <WT> [<TERMEX> <ICTEX> tex2html_wrap_inline1981  [- [<TERMEX> <ICTEX> tex2html_wrap_inline1987
<NAMEX> is a freely choosable denotation for the experimental energy, <EEX> the numerical value of the experimental energy in tex2html_wrap_inline1989 and <WT> the weight by which EEX shall enter into the least squares function.gif <TERMEX> must be a term symbol known to the program through which the state being searched for can be identified by AOMX. A term symbol consists of one of the irreducible representation symbols listed below which in case of calculation without spin-orbit coupling must be prefixed with the spin multiplicity. The following irreducible representation symbols are known to the program:

A1  A2  E   T1  T2  G6  G7  G8     tex2html_wrap_inline1991
A1  A2  B1  B2  E   G6  G7         tex2html_wrap_inline1993
A1  A2  E   G4  G56                tex2html_wrap_inline1995
A   B1  B2  B3  G5                 tex2html_wrap_inline1997
A   B   G3                         tex2html_wrap_inline1999

Valid specifications of <TERMEX> are, for example: 4T2, 6A1, 3B2 (without SOC) or T2, A1, G6 (with SOC). Through <ICTEX> you must specifiy which occurence (sequence number) of <TERMEX> AOMX shall look for.

If you give several <TERMEX> <ICTEX> pairs, the program will calculate average values of theoretical energies. If a minus sign is inserted between two <TERMEX> <ICTEX> specifications, AOMX will first average to the left and right of the minus sign and then form the difference. In this way, splittings can be declared.

Heribert Adamsky
Sat Sep 14 16:23:16 MET DST 1996