P.E. Hoggard, formerly at Department of Chemistry, NDSU, Fargo, now working at SCU, Santa Clara.
M. Atanasov, Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia 1040. From him stem contributions to the topics phase coupling, magnetic field, delocalization coefficients and orbital reduction factors.
Klaus Eifert, technical assistant at the institute. He took care of the versions AOM1 to AOM3 and undertook the programming of several routines.
For a comprehensive representation, see [5] or [1].
In addition, the program can handle a crystal field ansatz with STOs. A description can be ordered from the author
In doing so, only the direction is the point, not the distance, because the latter is implicitly contained in the AOM parameters 12#12.
At this occasion, also orbital occupations are printed for each state.
The triclinic case is trivial (no symmetry) and will therefore not be treated specially. The one-to-one correspondence of effective rotational symmetries and crystal systems is helpful but nevertheless accidential.
The holoedrized point group is obtained by superposition of the ligand-field potential and its mirror image obtained by inversion (see page gifff).
Basic arithmetics including exponentiation may be applied.
The maximal word length is 20 characters in general, 13 characters in case of numbers; the maximum line length is 72 characters.
In this case, CVEC has to be set, too, (see the CTL directive).
Brackets and mathematical functions are not supported. If necessary, you have to expand a function in a power series.
Even if you are only interested in the partial derivative matrix, you must enter en EXP block in order to define the states that shall be examined.
At first sight, the input directive RTP is superfluous. Yet, it is useful if the coordinates are present as 49#49 triples (for instance, after a conversion cartesian 50#50 polar as it, e. g., can be taken from the output of AOMX) and is mandatory in crystal field calculations (not documented here).
WT should be choosen the larger the exacter the experimental energy could be determined.
It should be noted, however, that renunciation of symmetry determination brings about that terms of different symmetry but equal degeneray cannot be distinguished any longer which can lead to misinterpretations. If in doubt, you should perform control calculations with symmetry determination.
The cause hat only a minimal and not a maximal or some intermediate spin multiplicity may be given is that AOMX must diagonalize all matrices up to the maximal 32#32 in order to determine 2S+1, so that higher spin multiplicities are also calculated in any case.
or to suppress them, if the option is preceded by a `-'. The CTL directive is the only directive that does not completely overwrite the old values if it is called once more. Hence, through CTL directives between two runs, you can selectively switch print options on and off.
See also NEIG and VLOW in the global information line in the header lines.
configurable, see next question
das Ende der sechziger Jahre von Jørgensen, Pappalardo und Schmidtke sowie von Sch"affer entwickelt worden ist
f"ur Liganden mit isotroper 13#13-Wechselwirkung, 5#5=6#6
Falls allerdings die 13#13-Wechselwirkung anisotrop und die Symmetrie 111#111 oder niedriger ist, ist auch 112#112 zu erwarten. Dann ist diese Schlu"sfolgerung nur noch eine N"aherung, da man nicht beide 51#51-Parameter gleichzeitig beseitigen kann. Hinzu kommt noch eine m"ogliche Mischung zwischen den Orbitalen 113#113 und 107#107, da diese in 111#111-Symmetrie beide totalsymmetrisch sind.
Es sei aber erw"ahnt, da"s auch f"unfz"ahlige Symmetrie in der LFT eine Rolle spielen kann, zum Beispiel in Cyclopentadienyl- und in ikosaedrisch koordinierten f-Element-Komplexen.
Das Holoedriekonzept erlaubt jedoch keine Aussagen zur Intensit"at von dd-"Uberg"angen, denn es sind ja gerade die Abweichungen von der Inversionssymmetrie, die durch Aufhebung des Parit"atsverbotes solche "Uberg"ange erm"oglichen.

Heribert Adamsky
Sat Sep 14 16:23:16 MET DST 1996